Stop! Please note that LOVD2 is no longer supported. The last security release is from October 2020. Upgrade to LOVD3 to continue receiving updates.

LOVD Setup


LOVD has a modular setup that can be taken advantage of through the LOVD module system. Currently, it is only possible to modify forms within LOVD using the module system. There hasn't been put much development time into getting a very advanced module system available, because of lack of time and because so far very few developers outside our group have expressed interest in modifying LOVD themselves to fit their specific needs. Still, being able to modify LOVD forms with very little code, has already been proven quite useful in the modules that exist right now.

One of the major advantages of the modules is that they can be turned on and off at will. As such, you can always turn a module off if you choose not to need it anymore. If you're sure you will never use it anymore, you can also choose to uninstall it, after which LOVD also removes the settings stored by the module. Uninstalling a module does not remove it from the LOVD installation, you can always re-install it without the need to restore files from backup.

Currently, LOVD comes with three modules, all developed within our own team:
Mutalyzer nomenclature checker module - modifies the variant submission form to allow the DNA change value to be checked with the Mutalyzer software on a remote server.
ShowMaxDBID - modifies the variant submission form for curators to help them apply the DB-ID field.
reCAPTCHA - modifies the submitter registration form to protect it against fake registrations by spam bots.

« Deleting links Installing modules »

Last modified 2014/08/25 14:48:31 CEST

When using or discussing LOVD please refer to:
Fokkema IF, Taschner PE, Schaafsma GC, Celli J, Laros JF, den Dunnen JT (2011). LOVD v.2.0: the next generation in gene variant databases. Hum Mutat. 2011 May;32(5):557-63.

LOVD has received funding from the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme
(FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement nº 200754 - the GEN2PHEN project.
Leiden University Medical Center, Netherlands
Ing. Ivo F.A.C. Fokkema, Dr. Johan T. den Dunnen