Event |
Caused by |
ColAdd |
A custom column has been added to a variant table or the patient table. In case the column has been added to a variant table, the gene is also displayed. |
ColCreate |
A new column has been created from the setup area. |
ColEdit |
A column's display settings or default settings have been edited. |
ColRemove |
A selected column has been removed from a variant table or the patient table. In case the column has been removed to a variant table, the gene is also displayed. |
ColReset |
A selected column's display settings are reset to the default settings. |
ConfigEdit |
Successfully edited LOVD's system settings. |
FreeEditFNR |
Successfully ran Find & Replace. The column and the selected genes where Find & Replace was performed on are also logged. |
GeneCreate |
Successfully created a new gene. |
GeneDrop |
Deleted a gene and it's variants. |
GeneEdit |
A gene's settings have been edited. |
GeneEmpty |
All of a gene's variants have been removed. |
LinkCreate |
A new custom link has been created. If the link also has been added to any columns, this is mentioned in separate log entries. |
LinkDrop |
A custom link has been deleted. |
LinkEdit |
A custom link has been edited. If the link also has been removed from or added to any columns, this is mentioned in separate log entries. |
ModuleDisable |
Successfully disabled a module (turned off). |
ModuleEnable |
Successfully enabled a module (turned on). |
ModuleScan |
LOVD scanned for new modules, successfully recognized one and installed it. |
ModuleUninstall |
Successfully uninstalled (removed) a module. |
PatientDrop |
A patient and all of it's variants have been deleted. |
PatientEdit |
A patient has been edited, by an authorized user or a submitter, or submitted changes have been accepted by an authorized user. |
SelfEdit |
A user has successfully edited him/herself. When a user selects or deselects him/herself as a curator, this is also logged. |
SubmitNew |
A new submission has been added to LOVD. The gene, internal patient ID and internal variant ID are also displayed. This log entry could also mean that a new variant has been added to an existing patient. |
SubmitterAssign |
A submitter has been assigned to a patient, or removed from a patient. |
SubmitterCreate |
A submitter account has been created by an authorized user. |
SubmitterDrop |
A submitter account has been deleted from the system. This is a non-permanent action. |
SubmitterEdit |
A submitter account has been edited by an authorized user. |
SubmitterPurge |
A previously deleted submitter account has been permanently deleted from the system. |
SubmitterRegister |
A submitter has registered him/herself. |
UserBoot |
An authorized user that was logged in, has been thrown out of the system by an authorized user with a higher level. |
UserCreate |
A new authorized user has been created by an authorized user with a higher level. When this user is selected as a curator, this is also logged. |
UserDrop |
An authorized user has been deleted from the system by an authorized user with a higher level. This is a non-permanent action. |
UserEdit |
An authorized user has been edited by an authorized user with a higher level. When this user is selected or deselected as a curator, this is also logged. |
UserLock |
An authorized user has been locked out of the system by an authorized user with a higher level. |
UserUnlock |
An authorized user's account has been unlocked by an authorized user with a higher level. |
VariantDrop |
A variant has been dropped from a patient. If this was the patient's only variant, the patient entry is also deleted. |
VariantEdit |
A variant has been edited by either an authorized user or a submitter who owns the variant's patient entry. |
VariantImport |
Variant and patient information has been loaded into the database. The number of new patient and variant entries are reported. |
Event |
Caused by |
CheckUpdate |
There was an error while reading the answer of the upstream server to see if there is an update available, or the current version seems newer than the one available. |
An error occurred in a function from the CurrDB class. This is caused by a bug in LOVD. |
EmailNotify |
An error occurred while sending an email notification to a user who edited his/her own account, a submitter sending in new information, a curator of a gene which has received a new submission, or the database administrator. |
HackAttempt |
Someone tried to access information or trying to edit or delete information while not being authorized. This error can only be caused if someone is actively modifying the URL to access LOVD. |
LibInit |
An error occurred in a function from inc-lib-init.php. This is caused by a bug in LOVD. |
LibList |
An error occurred in a function from inc-lib-list.php. This is caused by a bug in LOVD. |
NoCurrDB |
The CurrDB class has been initiated without receiving a gene symbol. This is caused by a bug in LOVD. |
Event |
Caused by |
Step2 |
LOVD has successfully registered the system status, the variant pathogenicities and the variant statuses, and created the database administrator account. |
Step3 |
LOVD successfully stored the system settings. |
Step4 |
LOVD successfully installed the available modules. |
Step5 |
Successfully completed the installation. |
Upgrade |
LOVD has been upgraded successfully. This entry also reports from which version LOVD was upgraded, which version it has been upgraded to, and how many queries are performed during the upgrade. |
UpgradeError |
LOVD has found that the database backend is newer than the LOVD files. This can only be caused by retrieving LOVD files from backups without restoring the database. Since this can cause severe problems with the data within LOVD, LOVD will only work if you restore the correct LOVD files. |
When using or discussing LOVD please refer to:
Fokkema IF, Taschner PE, Schaafsma GC, Celli J, Laros JF, den Dunnen JT (2011).
LOVD v.2.0: the next generation in gene variant databases.
Hum Mutat. 2011 May;32(5):557-63.